
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Updating the bathroom floor

When we moved into this house, I was really grossed out by the grout lines in the bathroom, particularly the kids bathroom.  I mean, really.  It was gross.  I tried all kinds of stuff to get it clean, but it was just not *looking* clean, and it was driving me crazy.

 Before - yuck!

Just when I thought I was going to have to deal it with it for the foreseeable future, I came across this post from Young House Love, and I thought - BINGO!  This might be just what we need.

So, mere hours after reading the above, I headed to Lowe's with my 4 year old daughter in tow.  We were going on a date, she said!  We meandered our way all through the store, choosing exterior light fixtures (look for more on those in a future post!), cabinet knobs for the mini kitchen reno we're planning, and more, before finally heading down the grout aisle on the hunt for the product Sherry at Young House Love used.

Well, we didn't find it.  BUT!  We did find a product called Grout Refresh that looked to do the same thing - and was cheap - less than $15!  So, after much deliberation on color choices, I chose "Chamois" and headed home.

This morning, I turned on Frozen and got out the Spirograph to entertain my 3 and 4 year olds while I was busy, tracked down a small artists paintbrush (it recommends a toothbrush, but a paintbrush seemed easier!), and got to work.

You can see the few lines I've already done.  What a difference!

Before Frozen was even over, I was done!  There was a little twisting and contorting necessary to get behind the toilet and other small spaces, but it was so easy!  I got more than a little on the tiles as I was painting the grout lines, but it was so easy and quick to wipe off with baby wipes.  It dries quickly, so I did one square at a time before going back to clean up after myself.


Doesn't it look like new?!?!  I'm going to seal it tomorrow to keep it looking clean and tidy - and I can't wait to start on the rest of the grout throughout the house.  :)

Update: I couldn't resist starting on the downstairs half bath!  Can you believe the difference between the bathroom and the hallway?  I feel motivated to paint that cabinet and give the whole room a refreshed look now!

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